
The timetable and booking details for our events during the summer of 2025 will be available here shortly. 

Wool ready for tapestry weaving Spun wool for weaving Preparing the warp threads for the loom

Textile Tales in  the cupboard - an idea for you to try.

Most children love to hear stories being read  to them, or to read for themselves.  Borrow a book, and pick up the rug from  the cupboard to sit on, and enjoy a special time in the great atmosphere in the museum.

We have some books available that parents and children can borrow to read in different rooms where there are links to the stories.  The Elves and the Shoemaker is a great story to read in the clog-making shop for example.  Or the Tailor of Gloucester in the drapers shop.  

Here is one enthusiastic reader and the book he has chosen.  Why not enjoy a quiet time reading with us during your visit..

Our first young reader

Pictures from our 2024 season events 

Braid weavingKumihimo braidingSplit-ply braidingLandscape Tapestry weavingYoung and old(er) enjoying the Tapestry Tuesday fun.Lea and Elfie dynamic weaving duoWoven pieceWelsh QuiltingKatherine Keatley and her medieval loomWoven artwork